Greg Kaplan Bilingualism: The Genesis of a New Language
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Filmed on 22 February 2014 as part of TEDxUTK 2014 Ideas Worth Spreading at the Howard Baker Center for Public Policy in Knoxville, TN.

Greg Kaplan
Gregory B. Kaplan is Professor of Spanish and Director of the Language and World Business program. Dr. Kaplan's principal area of research is medieval Spanish philology, which includes the literature of the Spanish Middle Ages and the history and evolution of the Spanish language. Dr. Kaplan has been awarded the University of Tennessee Jefferson Prize for demonstrated excellence in research and creative activity, a Lindsay Young Professorship in recognition of professional achievement in research and teaching, a University of Tennessee National Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award, and a University of Tennessee College of Arts and Sciences Advising Award. Most recently, Dr. Kaplan was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. Dr. Kaplan's publications related to the topic of bilingualism include Valderredible, Cantabria (España): La cuna de la lengua española (Santander: Gobierno de Cantabria, 2009) and "Personality Disorders" and Other Stories by Juan José Millás (New York: Modern Language Association, 2007).

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UTK Spanish and World Business Program »